Despite their unusual appearance, bearded dragons make excellent pets, especially for those who had never considered owning a reptile before. These lizards have to be the most photogenic on the globe, which is a bonus amusing fact. There are biological reasons for their bizarre behaviour, yet they seem to mimic many human actions when they pose.
Below is a list of the meat, vegetables, greens, fruit, and weeds that they can consume. In the wild, bearded dragons consume primarily animals, which include crickets, cockroaches, worms, and even tiny things like mice, making up around 75% of their diet. The rest of their diet consists of greens, vegetables, and a small amount of fruit and more can be learned from
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Fruit?
It is possible to feed bearded dragons a broad variety of fruits. But they should be used in moderation, not every day. The fruit has a lot of sugar, which can lead to weight gain. Yeast levels might be elevated as well. In addition, citrus fruits should be avoided as they might cause gastrointestinal distress. The following fruits are suitable for your Beardie according to our food list:
All kinds of fruits and vegetables, from figs to watermelon to apples to mango to papaya to dates to apricots. Sugary soft fruit can ferment and create dental issues, therefore owners should be cautious when feeding it to their pets. Soft fruit, like kiwi, should thus only be served once a month as part of a balanced diet that also contains plenty of fibre-rich vegetables.
Do Bearded Dragons Overeat?
Indulgent eating habits in bearded dragons can lead to weight gain, just as they might in humans. As a result, bearded dragon owners should be aware of the dangers of obesity in adult bearded dragons. Obesity in adulthood is most often caused by a diet heavy on sweets and light on vegetables.However, if at all possible, avoid letting leftover vegetables hang out for more than 20-30 minutes. This will keep the tank from becoming infested with things like mould and germs. Feeders, dead or living, are the same.
All bearded dragons need to eat a diet rich in vegetables and greens. Even the tiniest animals should be fed salads, however, you should expect that they will not consume the entire piece you make for them. Keep in mind that bearded dragons may not consume the same kinds of vegetables, so you’ll need to mix and match them. The following are on the list:
- Arugula, chicory, and turnip greens
- Watercress, escarole, and spring greens
- A few pieces of broccoli and kale
- Arugula, endive, chives, and mustard greens
- Peas, green beans, and pea shoots.
- Acorn, butternut, yellow, and courgette squash
Bearded dragons can only consume insects and worms for flesh. Be aware that some insects are larger than your pet, so pay care to the type you provide. To determine the proper bug size, consider the distance between your Bearded Dragon’s eyes as a guideline.